Al Brown Memorial Scholarship
Al Brown was on stage most of his life, and he loved it that way. Born in Toledo in 1934, he moved to Battle Creek in 1948 and Battle Creek would never be the same. From 1972 onward, Al was on stage almost all the time: in the Leila Follies every year, in many Civic...
Alta Greene Nursing Scholarship
Alta Greene attended the Leila School of Nursing in Battle Creek. While there, she was chosen to serve as the private duty nurse for Mrs. Leila Post Montgomery, who had been admitted to the hospital for a broken bone. She was a surgical nurse for Dr. Richard Stiefel...
Andrew and Ethel Ford Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Ford was a newspaper boy for both the Indianapolis News and the Indianapolis Star. In 1934, he joined the Battle Creek Enquirer and News as the Assistant Circulation Manager. He was named Manager of the Circulation Department in 1949, a position he held until...
Arthur J. and Lucille B. Finley Gold Key Scholarship
Arthur and Lucille Finley came to Battle Creek in the 1930’s to teach in the Battle Creek Public Schools. Arthur worked for the Kellogg Company for 42 years. Their daughter, Carole Edmonds, was a graduate of Kellogg Community College and worked for the college for 30...
Aspiring Journalists Scholarship
The Aspiring Journalist Fund was created by Eric Greene, who worked for 19 years as a reporter, photographer, columnist, blogger and editor at five newspapers in Michigan and Montana. Greene left his job as managing editor of the Battle Creek Enquirer in 2012 to join...

Barbara and William B. Comai Scholarship
The Barbara and William B. Comai Scholarship was established in 2022 by Barbara Comai, a long-time Battle Creek civic leader. This scholarship awards $1,500 per semester for four-consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring only) at a Michigan college or university to a...
Battle Creek Society of Artists Scholarship for Fine Arts
The Battle Creek Society of Artists is a non-profit organization that is dedicate to increasing and promoting the visual arts in Battle Creek and the surrounding areas. They do this through workshops by highly acclaimed art instructors and through their monthly guest...
Beatrice E. Rosenbaum Nursing Scholarship
Beatrice E. Rosenbaum was born in 1906 in Coleman, Michigan to parents Beatrice and Pilliod. Her mother passed when she was two, and Beatrice and her 4 siblings lived with her father. At the age of six, she moved to Augusta to live with a sister. At the age of eight,...
Bernita Bartlett Nursing Scholarship
Bernita Bartlett was raised in the Battle Creek area. Her mother, Mildred Hammer, worked for the Kellogg Company during the war. Her father and brother also worked for Kellogg Company, as did her late husband, John. Bernita’s son, Jon, currently works for the city of...
Bertha and Marjorie Smith Gold Key Scholarship
Bertha Smith was born July 4, 1921 to Lee and Mildred Smith. Two years later, after the passing of her father, Bertha, her older sister Marjorie and Mildred moved to Battle Creek. Bertha was an honor student at Battle Creek Central; there, she swam and played...
Bryan R. Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Private First Class Bryan R. Thomas was born and raised in Battle Creek, Michigan. A graduate of Lakeview High School, he loved sports and lettered in both wrestling and football. After graduating from Kellogg Community College, he enlisted in the Army in 2007. Bryan...
Calhoun County Veterans Affairs Scholarship
The Calhoun County Veterans Affairs office exists to ensure that veterans and their dependents in Calhoun County are connected to the benefits that they have earned at the local, state and federal levels.

Cereal City Sunrise Rotary - September 11th Memorial Scholarship
The Cereal City Sunrise Rotary Club of Battle Creek was originally chartered as the Fort Custer Rotary Club in May of 1992. The name was later changed to the Cereal City Sunrise Rotary Club to attract a broader base of members. The club celebrated their centennial in...
C. O. Brown Memorial Scholarship
C. O. Brown is best known in Battle Creek as a baseball legend. His real name is Cooper Othneil Brown. People started calling him “oatmeal” in school and rather than fighting the nickname, he decided to go with it and it stuck with him for the rest of his life. Born...
Cynthia Herbrandson and Kathy Mann Allied Health Scholarship
KCC Biology Instructors Cynthia Herbrandson, M.A., and Kathy Mann, P.T., M.A., wanted a workbook that would duplicate what students would actually see in the KCC labs. This idea became “Going Head to Head with Human Anatomy” a lab manual written by Herbrandson and...
Danette Youngman Wilkins Memorial Scholarship
Danette Youngman Wilkins devoted herself to helping others throughout her life, which explains why she was loved and admired by so many. In addition to raising their sons Daniel and Dillon (DJ), Danette and her husband Dennis Wilkins became foster parents. Danette...

David Haylock Memorial Scholarship
David Haylock served in the United States Air Force following his graduation from Pennfield High School. He received a teaching degree from Western Michigan University; he taught for a brief time, but then transitioned to working for Clark’s Equipment and Post...
David Melges Memorial/Raymond James Scholarship
David Melges was a Senior Vice-President and Branch Manager of Hilliard Lyons in Battle Creek. He was a pillar in the Battle Creek community and believed in the mission of the College and helping students achieve their goals of obtaining higher education through...
Deborah A. Dilworth Memorial Scholarship
Deb Dilworth’s professional life as a social worker and parent educator was dedicated to the well being of children and their families. Her always gentle, nurturing and affirmative manner allowed those she served to be comforted by a sense of confidence in her...
Donald J. Taft Memorial Scholarship
Donald Taft, who was born in Indiana, spent most of his early days in southern Michigan, south of Quincy. Upon high school completion, he tried out for a minor league baseball team but quickly realized that this would be a difficult life choice. Mr. Taft persuaded...
Donna Kleinschmit, RN, MSN Scholarship
Donna was born November 16, 1952 in Berlin, Wisconsin to Adam and Melvina (Werch) Doro. She grew up in Berlin, WI. Donna earned her Associate’s Degree in Nursing from Mercy Nursing School in Oshkosh, WI, her Bachelor’s Degree in 1974 from University of Wisconsin,...
Doris R. Olive Campbell Nursing Scholarship
Douglas A. and M. Christine Leatherman Scholarship
The Douglas A. and M. Christine Leatherman Scholarship was established in 2002 as a way for Chriss to give back to the college. Chriss was a KCC employee who retired after 30 years of service.
Dr. C. M. Spencer Memorial Scholarship
Dr. C. M. Spencer lost his father at age 8; he worked hard his entire life, graduating from Coe College with his bachelor’s degree. He then served in the Army-Air Force during World War II; after the war, he went back to school and earned his Medical Degree from the...
Drew J. Haring Memorial Scholarship
Drew J. Haring was an instructor at the Calhoun Area Technology Center and a substitute teacher in the Battle Creek, Harper Creek and Marshall school districts. He attended Kellogg Community College and Olivet College, earning a teaching degree in Biology.
Dr. Norman O. Amos Memorial Scholarship
Norman O. Amos was a 1947 graduate of Battle Creek Central High School where we excelled in sports. He was an All-Conference guard on the football team, wrestled and competed in shot put on the track team. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Albion College...
Dr. Paul and Mrs. Sharon Ohm
Dr. Paul Ohm was President of Kellogg Community College from 1986 – 2004. A teacher and counselor in the Cleveland Public Schools, Dr. Ohm later moved into administration in Ohio and Pennsylvania community colleges before becoming president of Belmont Technical...
Dr. Richard F. Whitmore Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Richard F. Whitmore received his Bachelor’s degree from Nebraska Wesleyan University, and his Master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska. He was married to his devoted wife, Ruth in 1946. Together they raised two songs, Craig and Bradley, and a daughter,...
Earl and Lyeliene Hoehne Scholarship
Earl and Lyeliene Hoehne were married in July 1955 in Comstock, Michigan. They moved to Marshall in 1962 with their two children, Alan and Stephanie. Lye and Earl spent time in Sebring, Florida, and enjoyed golfing and participating in park events with friendsy and...
Edward Zentera Music Man Scholarship
Ed Zentera holds a B.M. and M.M. Degree in Music Education. He has been a member of the Bakersfield, Chicago Heights and Battle Creek Symphony Orchestras. He conducted the Post Summer Concert Series in Battle Creek for 16 seasons, and currently conducts several...