Judy Ann Mullens Memorial Scholarship

Judy Ann Mullens Memorial Scholarship

Judy Ann Mullens was born in Battle Creek, Michigan on November 19, 1964. She attended Springfield School through 4th grade and then moved to Athens, Michigan, where she graduated in 1982. She graduated from both Wright Beauty Academy and Argubright Business College; she also attended the world renowned Bill Hixon’s Floral Design School in Ohio.

When Judy was 11, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease – resulting in 29 surgeries over 27 years. Judy didn’t talk about her medical struggles. In fact, she went with a tour group to a white water rafting trip in Idaho, where she knew no one, and they did not know of her illness until the end of the trip. She never wanted people to feel sorry for her. SHe was so brave and so courageous, always facing her illness head-on, with a remarkable display of her own strength of character. Her compassion and love for people, especially children, compelled Judy to want to become a nurse. Due to her escalated sickness, she was prevented from realizing this dream.

Judy’s legacy is evident in how she lived and how she died, and is how she should be remembered. As her uncle so aptly stated, “Judy’s death is a great loss to the world.”


Education was very important to Judy. Judy’s mother, Thelma V. Mullens established this scholarship in her name; Judy would be very proud to know that she is helping young people pursue a higher education degree.
